Pritesh Pawar Income & Revenue

Pritesh Pawar
4 min readAug 14, 2019

It’s not even a single source of income. I am doing a full-time job, freelancing in my free time, selling multiple digital products, and so on.
Even if you know me, you know this fact as well.

  • Full-time Job
  • Digital Marketing Services to clients
  • Consultation Calls
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Selling Digital Products
  • Online Investments

In short, my income is not really fixed.

But how does it even matter to you?

Ask me about the process, not final outcome. I will be happier to help.

“So Pritesh, what is your salary? How much do you earn? How much money do you make with your job, side projects, freelancing, and all online services?”

This the most common question that I get and it is pretty natural.

I am in my twenties right now and salary plays an important role now. But before that, employment is the major question in front of most people.

Do you have a job? If yes, then how much are you earning? Most of my friends got their jobs but I never ask about salary and I expect the same.

If you have ever asked me this question then you might have got the same reply from me, “Enough to satisfy my needs”

That is my programmed reply whenever someone asks me about my salary. It is not that I earn less.

In fact, it is a privilege for me that I have been earning from my college days and presently my package is more than an average IT guy. This is in spite of working in the field I am passionate about.

I am so tired of explaining that I am forced to write this blog now. From now, if anyone asks me about my salary or income then I am going to forward this blog post’s link.

Why I Never Ask About Salary And Expect The Same From You | Pritesh Pawar
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Why I never ask about salary?

Because it is none of my business. Period.

Why you should not ask me about my salary?

If it is more than you ~ You might get envious

If it is less than you ~ You might get an ego boost

In a nutshell, does it even matter?

That is a normal human tendency. You might say this is not true but ask yourself honestly, isn’t it the universal truth?

Don’t you get envious when you find students from IITs getting their initial packages in Crores of Rupees?

Also, don’t you judge that poor friend who failed in a test? Don’t you blame his/her overall behavior for that silly paper?

Okay! I heard some of you saying that this is not true in your case. Fine. I believe you.

But you know well that the world is not so sweet as you, dear.

How much salary is sufficient?

I am afraid to tell you but the answer is — no amount is sufficient.

  • I have some friends who earn 7-digit figures per year but they are in debt. The credit score is poor. Not something that impresses me!
  • I have also seen people who earn ten million dollars a year and own several businesses. But they don’t get any time to spend that money or even invest in their own health!
  • Some friends are earning a decent amount and planned their financial goals so perfectly that they never feel short of money.
  • Some of my entrepreneur friends are spending a bomb on online ads and marketing.
    Revenue = $10 lakhs
    Losses = $1 lakh

And you know what? All of them are right in their own places.

For a wise investor and saver, a smaller amount will be fruitful for his retirement. Meanwhile, for a mindless spender, a huge income will be spent on unnecessary stuff.

What made me think about this?

Not many people know this but when I was in my 5th semester of Engineering, I got a backlog.

I absolutely hated that subject. Yet, I was asked repetitively about my pointers. I felt ashamed when everyone had such high expectations from me and I was not even in a position to proudly tell my pointers or marks.

I felt like a loser with shattered confidence.

My friend circle included the most premium toppers of the batch and here I was struggling to clear my Engineering subjects.

Well, I had always been an average Engineering student with minimum pointers which barely passed me.

When things are going good, I still don’t need to forget about my past and struggle. I can understand well.

When we were kids, it was a matter of pride that we used to get money from parents. But after 22, the exact same thing becomes a matter of shame.

Poking someone or asking about job details to an unemployed really doesn’t fetch anything other than boosting your fragile egos.

Do you know it is highly offensive in some places to ask about salary? In fact, many places have completely banned this practice. Can’t believe me?

You can refer to this report by Businessinsider: 9 places where people may never have to answer the dreaded salary question again

It is only in India that we love to gossip about the things that least matter to us. I know you remembered the aunties of your society. Yeah, that’s what you become.

Let’s pledge together to not ask about each other’s salary in the already overflowing competitive world. Let’s be awesome.


